Скачать мод APK » Mobile Legends: Bang Bang мод Apk » Mobile Legends: Bang Bang ‏ + Mod Radar Hacked

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang ‏ + Mod Radar Hacked



Join your friends in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, the brand new 5v5 MOBA showdown, and fight against real players! Choose your favorite heroes and build the perfect team with your comrades-in-arms! 10-second matchmaking, 10-minute battles. Laning, jungling, pushing, and teamfighting, all the fun of PC MOBA and action games in the palm of your hand! Feed your eSports spirit!Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, the fascinating MOBA game on mobile. Smash and outplay your enemies and achieve the final victory with your teammates!Your phone thirsts for battle!Features: 1. Classic MOBA Maps & 5v5 Battles Real-time 5v5 battles against real players. 3 lanes, 4 jungle areas, 2 bosses, 18 defense towers, and endless fights, everything a classic MOBA has is here!2. Win with Teamwork & Strategy Block damage, control the enemy, and heal teammates! Choose from Tanks, Mages, Marksmen, Assassins, Supports, etc. to anchor your team and be match MVP! New heroes are constantly being released!3. Fair Fights, Carry Your Team to Victory Just like classic MOBAs, there is no hero training or paying for stats. Skill and strategy are all you need to be able to win the intense competition on this fair and balanced platform. Play to Win, not Pay to Win.4. Simple Controls, Easy to Master With a virtual joystick on the left and skill buttons on the right, 2 fingers are all you need to become a master! Autolock and target switching allow you to last hit to your heart's content. Never miss! And a convenient tap-to-equip system allows you to buy equipment anywhere on the map so you can focus more on the thrill of battle!5. 10 Second Matchmaking, 10 Minute Matches Matchmaking only takes 10 seconds. And a match only takes 10 minutes. Gloss over the quiet early-game leveling up and jump right into the intense battles. Less boring waiting and repetitive farming, and more thrilling actions and fist-pumping victories. At any place, at any moment, just pick up your phone, fire up the game, and immerse yourself in the heart-pounding MOBA competition.6. Smart Offline AI Assistance A dropped connection could mean hanging your team out to dry in an intense match, but with Mobile Legends: Bang Bang's powerful reconnection system, if you get dropped, you can be back in the battle in seconds. And while you're offline, our AI system will take control of your character temporarily to avoid a 4-on-5 situation.PLEASE NOTE! Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is free to download and play, however some game items can also be purchased with real money. If you want to use this feature, please set up password protection for purchases in the settings of your Google Play Store app. Also, under our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 12 years of age to play or download Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.Contact Us You can get customer service assistance via the [Contact Us] button in the game to help you with any problems you may encounter while playing. You can also find us on the following platforms. We welcome all of your Mobile Legends: Bang Bang thoughts and suggestions:Customer Service Email: [email protected]: @mobilelegendsgameYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MobileLegends5v5MOBA

Apk Info:
Имя файла com.mod.mobile-legends-bang-bang-1-2-88-2951apk-mod-radar-hacked
Версия для загрузки приложения:
Цена Свободно
Размер апк 98.83 MB
Время последнего обновления Jun 28, 2018
Min Android 2.3 and up
ROOT необходимые
Предложения покупки в приложении да
0 total




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    • Присоединяйтесь к группе, которая разделяет вашу цель (похудеть, набрать вес и т. д.) и интересы.
    • Общайтесь с другими участниками и пытайтесь стать победителем, чтобы заработать медали.
    • Попробуйте стать победителем конкурса, чтобы выиграть медали


    • Установите напоминания или уведомления, чтобы не забывать о еде, питьевой воде и диете.


    • Fitia рекомендует ежедневное потребление воды на основе вашей информации, целей и диеты.
    • Вы можете настроить потребление воды
    • Записывайте потребление воды в стаканах, бутылках или в желаемом количестве.


    • Выберите от 2 до 5 приемов пищи
    • Если вы практикуете прерывистое голодание, выберите вариант с 2 приемами пищи, и Fitia автоматически рассчитает обед и ужин (пропустив завтрак).


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    • Рассчитайте свой процент жира автоматически, введя измерения тела


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    Инстаграм: @fitia.app | https://instagram.com/fitia.app
    TikTok: @fitia.app | https://www.tiktok.com/@fitia.app
    Ютуб: @Fitia | https://www.youtube.com/c/Фития

    У тебя есть вопросы? Напишите нам на [email protected]
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  • Mobile Legends: Bang Bang ‏ + Mod Radar Hacked
    Join your friends in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, the brand new 5v5 MOBA showdown, and fight against real players! Choose your favorite heroes and build the perfect team with your comrades-in-arms! 10-second matchmaking, 10-minute battles. Laning, jungling, pushing, and teamfighting, all the fun of PC MOBA and action games in the palm of your hand! Feed your eSports spirit!

    Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, the fascinating MOBA game on mobile. Smash and outplay your enemies and achieve the final victory with your teammates!

    Your phone thirsts for battle!


    1. Classic MOBA Maps & 5v5 Battles
    Real-time 5v5 battles against real players. 3 lanes, 4 jungle areas, 2 bosses, 18 defense towers, and endless fights, everything a classic MOBA has is here!

    2. Win with Teamwork & Strategy
    Block damage, control the enemy, and heal teammates! Choose from Tanks, Mages, Marksmen, Assassins, Supports, etc. to anchor your team and be match MVP! New heroes are constantly being released!

    3. Fair Fights, Carry Your Team to Victory
    Just like classic MOBAs, there is no hero training or paying for stats. Skill and strategy are all you need to be able to win the intense competition on this fair and balanced platform. Play to Win, not Pay to Win.

    4. Simple Controls, Easy to Master
    With a virtual joystick on the left and skill buttons on the right, 2 fingers are all you need to become a master! Autolock and target switching allow you to last hit to your heart's content. Never miss! And a convenient tap-to-equip system allows you to buy equipment anywhere on the map so you can focus more on the thrill of battle!

    5. 10 Second Matchmaking, 10 Minute Matches
    Matchmaking only takes 10 seconds. And a match only takes 10 minutes. Gloss over the quiet early-game leveling up and jump right into the intense battles. Less boring waiting and repetitive farming, and more thrilling actions and fist-pumping victories. At any place, at any moment, just pick up your phone, fire up the game, and immerse yourself in the heart-pounding MOBA competition.

    6. Smart Offline AI Assistance
    A dropped connection could mean hanging your team out to dry in an intense match, but with Mobile Legends: Bang Bang's powerful reconnection system, if you get dropped, you can be back in the battle in seconds. And while you're offline, our AI system will take control of your character temporarily to avoid a 4-on-5 situation.

    PLEASE NOTE! Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is free to download and play, however some game items can also be purchased with real money. If you want to use this feature, please set up password protection for purchases in the settings of your Google Play Store app. Also, under our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 12 years of age to play or download Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.

    Contact Us
    You can get customer service assistance via the [Contact Us] button in the game to help you with any problems you may encounter while playing. You can also find us on the following platforms. We welcome all of your Mobile Legends: Bang Bang thoughts and suggestions:

    Customer Service Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @mobilelegendsgame
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MobileLegends5v5MOBA